Ghoul Squad #1

Ghoul Squad #1 Reviews

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Have you read Ghoul Squad #1? Send your thoughts, comments, prayers, or threats to Be sure to include your name, where you’re from, and write “okay to print” in the subject line.

Matt Hurd At Tha Movies

In today’s comics landscape, it can sometimes be difficult to find a book that’s willing to let itself and its readers just have a good time. This is an era of complex anti-heroes and event storylines, and that’s all well and good. But every once in a while, we need a book like Ghoul Squad to come along and remind us all that sometimes simple is better. … Continue ]

Michael Hunau

Felt like the perfect blend of dark comedic characters and high octane action. Loved this book from start to finish. Definitely want more.

J Gray @JGrayWebcomic

Just read Ghoul Squad #1 from @BrandonRhiness. A well put together book & a fun read! I recommend it.

Tom Ward

That was a fun, ‘we’re going to the pub’ classic! Carlos Trigo’s stuff always looks great, suited the story really well there!

Boriana Petrova Sofia, Bulgaria

I just read the comic and it’s great, I love it! I like the humorous tone of the comic, it’s so fun! The Grinderstein character is my favourite and his name is so cool. Also, I absolutely loved the phrase “Every time a door is closed, a window is opened”, said by Varney. :)

I hope the comic becomes very popular quickly as I think it deserves it.